Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | April 30, 2024

DEI Creates Jew Hatred

From Columbia 1968. President’s office and his cigars. Supporting the Human Secularist Totalitarians as Communists in Vietnam.

To Columbia 2024. Supporting the Islamist Totalitarians as Hamas barbarians.

Today’s blatant anti-Semitism – Jew hatred is more explicit – on college campuses comes from the growing number of unassimilable Muslims, funding from Muslim countries, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) indoctrination.   DEI is based on Critical Race Theory (CRT).  DEI and CRT are  manifestations of Cultural Marxism.  If screaming curses and wishing death on Jews sounds like NAZIs, it’s because Woke Educrats brainwash kids with the newest version of NAZI ideas.

The Muslim hatred towards Jews is Muslims being Muslims true to their religious texts, schools of thought, tradition, and bloody history.  Islamist Totalitarianism is nothing new.  Mohammed’s first mass murder of Jews was in 627 AD. 

Roughly twenty per cent of all Muslims are IslamistTotalitariansBut all Islamist Totalitarians are Muslims and can prove it.  Islam is 800 years behind Western Civilization which explains why Hamas acted as barbaric savages on October 7th.

Most of the College kids supporting terrorism aren’t Muslim.  They’re just Woke.     

But, for once in American politics, one side rightfully can be called NAZIs. 

Both the Cultural Marxists and the NAZIs are Human Secularist Totalitarians.  Cultural Marxism is the latest malignancy spawned by Human Secularist Totalitarianism.  This cancer from the ideas of the French Revolution created Socialism, Communism, National Socialism, Fascism, and Climate Cult.  It’s the ideology driving the Democrat Party and all things Woke.  It’s being taught in every grade, every subject, everywhere a “liberal” teaches in America.

CRT and DEI teach there are fixed hierarchies of oppressors and oppressed people.  The worst of these is the exploitation of Colonizers against Indigenous People because of the ineradicable racism of Whites against People of Color.  Every individual on the planet throughout history has to fit into this explicitly racist framework.  This rabid racism colors the concept of “Anti-Racist” which refutes tolerance, color blindness, assimilation, and Christian love between individuals.

Don’t let facts or history interrupt the narrative.  Seriously. 

Human Secularist Totalitarianism rejects the worldview of Western Civilization to imagine the perfectibility of humans, the state as god, and submission in group identity.  It always makes excuses about an enemy blocking the path to paradise on earth.  The enemy must be eliminated first – for the greater good.

Consequently, the Jewish State of Israel is cast as the Colonizer – the oppressor.  Hamas plays the role of perpetual victim as the Indigenous People – the oppressed.  Once the relationship is fixed in Cultural Marxism, no facts can dislodge it.

Just like National Socialism blamed every ill in Europe on the Jews, in a bizarre, insulting irony, Cultural Marxism defines Israel as the new permanent enemy of today’s Human Secularist Totalitarianism.

Consequently, DEI creates Jew hatred.


Every generation is moved by its youthful passion.  It’s human nature.  The results range from folly to frightful.  On the occasion of our American Revolution one generation gave us an incredible gift in a government limited by the consent of The People. 

My Baby Boomer generation was split by the Vietnam War.  Over the years some felt shamed by avoiding wartime service or their contempt for soldiers who served.  Some felt betrayed by their country for not winning the war where their dead comrades, family, or friends died for nothing. 

Draft dodgers who stayed in school became the professors and – this is important – the indoctrinators of teachers.  It took decades for the malignancy of their ideas to grow.

Their “Classical” Marxism became Cultural Marxism after the collapse of Soviet Communism and Chinese Communism started making money like capitalists.  The bourgeois capitalist enemy was out.  The White colonialist enemy was in.

College kids have been spoon fed Cultural Marxist excrement from the 1619 Project to Zinn’s History of the American People, through Hollywood, the media, the sissy Christian churches and secular Judaism.  They believe in their take on Totalitarianism as much as any Hitler Youth fanatic believed in theirs during World War II. 

Time and circumstances will change many of their minds.

Regardless, the cancerous Cultural Marxist teaching of DEI and CRT must be removed from the society and cultural-shaping institution of Education.

Surgically remove the unassimilable Muslims and Muslim organizations.  Fire the professors and expel the students who break the rules.

Do chemotherapy to clean out all teachings of Cultural Marxism.  That includes all concepts of “hate speech.”  Let people rant in an exchange of ideas as long as they don’t break the established laws limiting speech.  The Cultural Marxist ideas can’t compete.    

Use immunotherapy to restore Education as an institution with the traditional American Revolution worldview.  Those still ascending ideas are in the DNA of American Education.

Make education DEI-free.  We’ll all ring the bell.   

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