Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | April 15, 2024

“Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the dogs of war.”

Roman War Dog

Shakespeare described the command that loosed soldiers and war dogs to prey on people without pity.  As a infantry lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne I read a personal memoire by a WW II vet who cautioned, “Do not let slip the dogs of war.”  I never forgot his injunction.  The older I get, the more I understand how awful war is.  Yet, when war comes, it must be fought.  We should never imagine we can control it once we let slip the dogs of war.  Iran let go the leash.

On October 7th 2023, the Hamas Muslim barbarians in Gaza committed a massacre in Israel.  Israel is still conducting the counter-attack to eradicate Hamas in Gaza.  Iran supports Hamas.  Israel struck them back by bombing the Iranian consulate in Syria and killing key Iranian brass.  On April 13th 2024, Iran attacked Israel in the largest drone and missile attack in history.  Now, Israel will strike back.

How will Israel hit Iran?

There are many, many options.  The means for military, economic, political, and moral-ethical responses can be listed 1 to n by military planners.  Their effect and the enemies’ responses can be guessed but never guaranteed.  That’s one reason why it’s so dangerous to let slip the dogs of war.  War is unpredictable except in the suffering, loss, and generations of hatred it produces.

The direct Iranian attack on Israel was a first.  It was a monumental failure.  Now what? 

Have the cunning Persians smoked out the Israeli defenses so now they really can attack?  Lob the nukes they’ve been building?

Have the calculating Iranian Imans made the face-saving response to the Israeli bombing?  Can they go back to rallying world opinion against Israel punishing their Hamas pawns?

Are the chess-playing Islamo-Fascist Iranian Pols following a strategy which will invoke an Israeli response that will force the hated Sunni Arabs to support a much wider war?  With an objective victory planned?

Maybe the clueless dictators are just making it up as they go along.  Could they simply respond to whatever they perceive?

When will the Islamists in the U.S. and across Europe be ordered or inspired to attack like the Hamas savages did?

[Side note: How did Taiwan and the CCP interpret the effectiveness of Israel’s Iron Dome defense?  What will they do?]

Now, do the same “what ifs” for the Israelis.  Lots of options.

I know not where this fighting goes. 

From my personal perspective, I know “tit for tat” as the U.S. did with North Vietnam for years fails miserably.

Know that Turkey and Russia have more to lose than gain if they  do too much to support Iran.

Believe Iran made huge mistake crossing this Rubicon with a direct attack on Israel.

Confident that the Biden administration will screw up the response.  Also confident that Trump himself is clueless on what to do – but not so with his advisors of the Mike Pompeo caliber.

Hope the capabilities I was “read on” as a Contractor when I wrote a classified OPLAN for possible employment by the IDF back in 2006 are ready for fielding and continual improving.  Really hope so.

Relieved there were no nukes, chem, or bio in yesterday’s attack.

And, I must repeat, we should truly, truly, truly not let slip the dogs of war unless absolutely necessary.  As in exterminating the Hamas Muslim barbarians.      

Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | April 8, 2024

Five Very Scary Things

Need a fifth horseman these days.

Five very scary things that might happen are such because they are avoidable.  The worst case scenarios don’t have to happen.  Maybe they won’t.  If they do, they will be terrible.  As has happened for the whole of human history, the human folly of a few people in power will cause great tragedy to many innocent people.  The five scary, bad things are Ukraine joining NATO, China invading Taiwan, illegal aliens voting and committing America’s Oct. 7th massacre, and Federal spending destroying the US economy.

  • Ukraine Joining NATO.  The US Secretary of State said Ukraine should join NATO.  That’s precisely what nuclear-armed Russia said was unacceptable.  Also, on the day Ukraine joins NATO, then any attack on it is an attack on the US.  So, the US goes to war with Russia. 

Precisely what was avoided at great effort and expense for almost 80 years will be upon us.  War with Russia. 

The Ukraine is more important to Russia than Mexico or Cuba is to the US.  We barely escaped a nuclear war when the US felt threatened by Russia in Cuba.  The Russians were invaded twice in the 20th Century from the West.  Ukraine is part of their “near abroad” and a vital interest to their security.

Furthermore, the Russians have legitimate concerns for Russian-speaking people in Crimea and the two eastern Oblasts.  Do those people have a right to self-determination?  The Clinton Administration bombed Serbia, killing over 2,300 civilians, to allow Muslim Albanians self-determination in Kosovo.  Muslim Albanians deserve the government of their choice, but Christian Russians don’t?

Allowing Ukraine into NATO will start the nuclear, chemical, and biological apocalyptic World War 3.

  • China Invading Taiwan.  The same Secretary of State said that Taiwan isn’t independent of China, but the U.S. would prefer that China not invade.  Similar stupid statements have been partially blamed for the Korean War and Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.  Giving China legitimacy to rule Taiwan is one step away from using military force simply to enforce the legitimacy assigned. 

Did the US-Taiwan defense treaty expire?

Do 24 million Taiwanese not have the right of self-determination?

What will the US do when the Chinese invade? 

Don’t fight and the US loses all of its power based on perception.  The US becomes the “paper tiger” Mao said we were.

Fight, and the Chinese activate their cells in the US and bio-chem-nuke-EMP us in a heartbeat.  They don’t have the restraint Russia had in the Cold War.  China doesn’t share Western Civilization’s mores.  They learned different lessons than the Soviet Union did from World War 2.

  • Illegal Aliens Voting and our October 7th.  If the illegal aliens are the margin of victory in the swing states in 2024, election integrity is dead.  The Democrat (Commie) cheaters will institutionalize it for as many states as they can for 2026, 2028, and beyond.

The 10m illegal aliens invasion since 2021 is deliberate.  It’s intended to add to the government-dependent class of Americans with a more obedient, permanent underclass who’ll vote to keep the Commie elites in power in perpetuity to ensure they – illegals – get their government handouts.

Embedded in the illegals’ invasion are the troops to conduct an October 7th Massacre in the US.  The Cartels, Russia, and China probably have cells ready to act.  The barbarian Islamists are the most likely to attack for the same reason the Hamas savages attacked Israel.

  • Spending Our Economy to Destruction. The Democrat Commies and their useful fools – the Establishment Republicans -will spend our economy into a destructive debt.  The US can go as bankrupt as Argentina, Greece, or Zimbabwe.  The money printed to cover the debt increases inflation. 

Inflation punishes the poor and robs the Middle Class’s savings.  The rich get richer. 

The laws of economics, like nature’s Law of Gravity, can’t be ignored.  The consequences, like jumping off a high height, are devasting. 

Congressional Republicans brag they are “changing the spending curve downward.”  Increasing the debt at a slower rate still gets the economy destroyed.  The day will come when the world won’t buy U.S. Treasury bonds.  No one will loan the U.S. enough money to keep running in the red.


Two horrible wars, a coming massacre or more, election cheating ending the Republic and the Rule of Law, as well as the destitution from Federal Government spending the US into bankruptcy are ruinous. 

These five things are very scary, because they are moving from the possible to the probable.

Buckle up for the worst case.  Pray for the best.  Be aware how hubris and ignorance in power produces suffering and loss.  Hold the guilty accountable if you can.

Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | April 2, 2024

Easter Potpourri

Easter 2024 had new outrages and old harmony.  It passed playing out the simple rhythms of life and edging to the cusp of great events.  It was a day of gratitude, praise, and real joy for Christians celebrating Resurrection Sunday.  And another clear indicator of Democrat depravity.     

I was up at 0545 to get the chairs out for another Sunrise Service in my back yard on The Bay.  About 30 folks enjoyed the unusually balmy temperature (50s f) and no wind.  Makes such a difference.  Gorgeous dawn as usual and a good message.  Good to see family friends I’ve known for decades, but haven’t seen a year or so.  Above all, I enjoyed the celebration of Lord Jesus Christ walking out of that grave.  Because he did and because he still lives, we will also.

Sunday School and Church were more engaging, encouraging, and an energy pump.  Got to spend time with two of my grown kids and three grandkids. Missed being with my newlywed (July 23) wife and one kid with her four children.  Got home late, tired, and still grateful for this Easter and hope for more.

While one man’s family and church family kept the traditional holiday in worship and lovingkindness, others were busy offering us public insult.

The Roman Catholic-in-good-standing President of the United States of America and his Democrat minions celebrated “Transgender Day of Visibility.”  

Also, there was no mention of Easter, Christianity, or Jesus.  There were bunnies and eggs at the White House.  No Christian crosses.

The provocation is intentional.  It’s like probing an enemy position with fires to see where fire comes back – and target them. 

Everyone who applauds the Transgender Day of Visibility is on team Human Secularist Totalitarianism, which is still called Democrat, or team “Commie” for short.

Everyone who keeps silent about the Transgender Day of Visibility is subjugated prole, properly intimated into silence, emasculated, and impotent.   No threat to the Commies.

Everyone who complains or criticizes is accused of intolerance, bigotry, un-Christian behavior.  Those who push back get fired upon by the bullies who provoked the fight.

Furthermore, the resistance is on the terms and in the language the Commies use.  Christians are upset about the timing on the holiest day of the Christian calendar.  That presumes Transgender is a thing that could have its own day. 

It doesn’t get the heart of the matter – that there is no such thing as Transgenders.  There are mentally ill adults with Sexual Dysphoria and very confused and misled children.

The Easter insult keeps Christians on the defense.  We should be on the offense passing laws to make Child Mutilation and Maiming illegal state by state.  

The same tactic will be used when America has her October 7th attack by Islamist savages, the Cartels, or CCP People’s Liberation Army’s fifth column. 

After the slaughter – and especially if there is violent reaction to the attack – the Commies will move to solve the problem.  Disarm Americans.  More of a surveillance and police state.  Restrictions like Scotland just passed on free speech and Canada and the EU keep as obedient d’himmis to Islam.

It could be a burning of the Reichstag moment for the Democrats.

Easter 2024 was a day of such contradictions.  Peaceful Christian praise and worship vs. creating chaos promoting mental illness and depravity.

Fortunately, we know who wins.   

Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | March 25, 2024

Why Republicans Fail

These Republicans voted to spend America into ruin and to fully fund the illegal alien invasion.

An alternative title is “Why Republicans Suck.”  Didn’t think that went well as a banner.  Too Trump-like in tone.  Yet, look at the failure in this week’s budget monstrosity. Republicans in Congress voted for this direct threat to the Republic.  So, Republicans own this failure.  Republicans suck at governing because “Republican” is a box store and not a brand.

The Democrats are a brand.  They have a narrative.  They have goals and the vision to achieve them.  They know how to work as one, even though their goals would destroy the US and harm the world.  Their determination is our damnation.  The few exceptions in Congress and state legislatures prove the rule. 

The Democrats can re-label their brand in a heartbeat and still stay the same brand.  They can go Bud Light when their politburo demands.  The Democrats are Human Secularist Totalitarians.  “Commies” for short.

The Republicans have no brand.  The only thing they have in common is “not Democrat.”  And, that distinction is moot when the Republicans vote with Democrats for outrageous social spending and certain bankruptcy.

There are Establishment Republicans who are Republicans because that is how you get elected to their safe seats.  These career politicians are the Enemy of The People because they betray every opportunity to keep government within the Constitution as written.

There are Movement Conservative Republicans who are driven ideologically to do what is right.

There are regional or local Republicans who disagree with Movement Conservatives on many issues.  Because they get elected as the alternative to a Democrat, they help create a majority which fundamentally shifts power in a legislature. 

If there’s a large enough majority, it doesn’t matter too much when the regional or local Republicans vote with the Democrats.  If they are, as Reagan said, 80% on our side, that’s good enough. 

The slippery Establishment Republicans don’t have to vote with the Democrats.  They’re in safe seats.  They’ll excuse their votes like this: 

“The Democrats were going to increase the federal deficit by $12T over 10 years.  We toughed it out and cut the spending by $1.5T.  You’re supposed to applaud now.”

Wait.  By their own math, the Republicans, are increasing the debt by $10.5T!  That’s the point.  These cowards are spending us to ruin.

They’ll brag about all the restrictive language they put in the 1000 page bill they never read and the Feds will work around.  They should be embarrassed by all the ridiculous, shameful wastes of money they approved.

They’ll brag about more Border Patrol officers.  They won’t point out that they, Republicans, are funding the NGOs that facilitate the illegal alien invasion.  These NGOs hook up the illegal aliens to every social service handout available and the driver’s licenses which will ultimately allow them to vote.  The Republicans fund it.  Republicans own it.

Except, Republicans voted against this abject failure to do their Constitutional duty.  Therein lies the rub.  Republicans were for and against this legislative abortion. 

Republican is the box store where you can pick and choose among competing labels. Republican doesn’t mean Conservative.

In an America deeply divided by the Great U.S. Culture War, what’s to be done?  What can be done with a razor thin majority in the House and minority in the Senate?

The voters with a safe seat, Establishment Republican, or better known as a “Campaign Brochure” Conservative, as their Representative need to fire their Congressman or Congresswoman. Hire a real Conservative in 2026.

The Republicans in the House need a fearless, pragmatic leader who is willing to “shut down” government to use the only Constitutional power the House has over the budget.  At least $2T will still flow to the Federal Government.  It won’t be flat broke with no income.  It’ll have to prioritize what to pay.  Like normal Social Security checks or build that new Senior Facility for LGBTQ oldsters?

Republicans in the Senate need a fearless leader who will hold Republicans together to filibuster and deny cloture to every bad bill and appointment. And, turn your eyes to Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida to see how Conservative good governance is done.  Support other champions like him.

Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | March 13, 2024

West Point Changes Its Mission

Celebrating Native American Month at West Point. Because, Diversity dictates.

On March 7, 2024, the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY informed West Point’s Board of Visitors of an “Army Senior Leader Approved Mission.”  Superintendents have changed the mission statement before.  Changing the mission, values, vision, goals, branding, and logos of organizations is something executives in business and government – including the military – do.

The problem with this change is West Point isn’t Bud Light.  And never should be.

Consider the current USMA Mission:

To educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.

Contrast it with the “Army Senior Leader Approved Mission”;

To build, educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets to be commissioned leaders of character committed to the Army Values and ready for a lifetime of service to the Army and Nation.

Adding “build” looks nebulous, but could be nefarious if it means build bogus “diversity” teams by continuing race-based admissions.

Focus on deleting “the values of Duty, Honor, Country” and substituting “the Army Values.”

Ask any serving soldier or retiree to pop off to “How many Army Values are there?”  Or, “Name the Army Values!”  <Crickets>*

*Edit:  After  this piece was published, I found out that the Army makes a big deal about the mnemonic for Leadership created by GEN Reimer in the late 90s.  Soldiers are told to memorize the 7 words that make up “LDRSHIP.”  Country isn’t one of the seven, but is implied.  So troops might be able to name the Army Values.  I doubt they’ve memorized the long definitions on the Army web site.  I’d struggle to have to do that.  The currency of the Army Values as a well known list doesn’t change their subjectivity or ease to change them in any administration.  On the other hand Duty, Honor, Country is immutable.  

Follow up with “Who determines the Army Values?”  When and how?  Who defines them? <Crickets>  Whoever writes them on the Army website for sure. 

You and your befuddled soldier/retiree buddy can find the seven Army Values on the Army website along with the Warrior Ethos, Soldier’s Creed, NCO Creed, Ranger Creed, and the unforgettable Army Civilian Corps Creed. 

The Army Values include Duty and Honor, but omit Country.  They add Loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service, Integrity, and Personal Courage.  They are one and all admirable values.

But, the Army Senior Leaders made a serious mistake.  They invert the fundamental relationship of West Point to the Army.

West Point isn’t a reflection of the Army on any given day.  It isn’t just another liberal arts college officer commissioning source. 

West Point is the cradle for Army values as the formerly monastic, professional school for soldiers.  It’s the castle keep for maintaining the Army values to keep the Army’s promise to the American People – “This We’ll Defend.”  The seven Army Values are an expansion of what West Point brings to the Army for most of our Nation’s history from its motto “Duty, Honor, Country.”

The Army values come from West Point.   

Official West Point is quick to point out the Motto remains unchanged.  Good.

The Army Values may shift with any new administration.  West Point shouldn’t. 

As tempting as making new word salad or slogan soup is to Army executives, they should be discouraged from doing so.  No one can improve on the Gettysburg Address as a statement of America’s national purpose.  Likewise, no one can improve on the bedrock values of Duty, Honor, Country for West Point and the U.S. Army with flexible, corporate “Army Values.” 

Changing USMA’s mission from a career as an officer in the United States Army to a “lifetime of service to the Army and Nation” may reflect how few West Pointers stay in the Army for a career as an officer.  Clearly, USMA is failing its current mission statement.  Changing the mission reflects the reality that ROTC and OCS officer retention is higher than USMA.

Regardless of that short-coming, the Senior Army Leaders shouldn’t fiddle with the USMA mission statement by reversing West Point’s role in establishing, preserving, and upholding the values essential to the Army.  All “Army Values” come from West Point’s Duty, Honor, Country.

James Atticus Bowden

USMA, Class of 1972

If you want restore, reform, and improve West Point, sign up on the MacArthur Society email list

Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | March 11, 2024

How America Becomes Great Again

Great Restoration of America. More than a classic car.

I have great hope for America.  I can see a wonderful future for my grown children and grandchildren despite the existential threats coming in this century – War with China and Civil War with Islam across Europe.   The governing majority of Americans is a Conservative Coalition bigger than FDR’s.   When the Great Restoration comes to power “Happy Days Are Here Again” will resound.  By “happy” I really mean confident, courageous, and determined.  It’s the ascendant America of the 20th Century making the sacrifices and hard work to reach new heights of peace through victory, prosperity, and freedom in the 21st Century. 

How does America get there?

The Conservative Coalition wins the elections that must be won in 2026 and 2028.  The Coalition is the huge middle class who work for wages, run small businesses, or self-employed professionals.  This Conservative Coalition includes ideological Movement Conservatives, like me, but it isn’t ideological.  It’s pragmatic.  It’s common sense.  It’s answers that work for Americans.

It’s the opposite of the ideological idiocy of the Left where men can become women, criminals run free, illegal aliens are solicited as replacement voters for Blacks and successfully assimilating minorities, Climate Cult mania intervenes on individual freedom, spending fuels inflation and promises real bankruptcy, DEI/CRT Woke Cultural Marxism rots education, weakens the military, and abject American weakness absent moral purpose encourages enemies.  Everything the Left does fails and makes things worse.

The Conservative Coalition must be built on the ashes of dumpster fire of the Republican Party when Trump loses the 2024 election.  Donald Trump won the Republican primaries in 2016 with 4m more votes than his competition.  To his credit, he squeaked a win against the formerly most hated politician in America.  He was a voice for the voiceless, but he failed.

Trump’s incompetence created the shady conditions for his loss in the swing states in 2020.  He is doing precisely nothing to prevent the same in 2024. 

Trump loses voters with his childish, boorish personal attacks on anyone who doesn’t kiss his ring.  Name one policy issue Trump made against the other Republican candidates?  He just made braggadocio promises and called names.  He was too cowardly to debate. 

Installing his daughter-in-law as co-Chair of the RNC is a cunning move to perpetuate his cult of personality.  It won’t last.  Trump isn’t smart enough to be a Hitler, Lenin, Mao, or Castro.  Doesn’t have the absolute power of the North Korea “Rocket Man.”   He’ll be busy trying to keep some of his money as the unethical lawfare against him runs its course.

So, when Trump is crushed in November, it’ll be important to expunge his name from any association with words like MAGA, Populism, Republican, and Conservative.  His defeat, like Ford in 1976, is an opportunity for the Conservative Champion to build a Conservative Coalition for America’s Great Restoration.

The Great Restoration includes re-claiming some institutions and challenging others which shape our American Culture and Civilization.  Today, the Human Secularist Totalitarians rule government – including the military, business, education, media, arts and entertainment as they contend in religion and family.  See how they get rolled back in Florida.  Watch DEI die in Florida.  It can be done in the free states across America. 

When the Democrats (Human Secularist Totalitarians  a.k.a. Commies) win, they will continue to overplay their hand with open borders for the illegal alien invasion and drug deaths, climate cult restrictions on freedom and increases in energy costs, weakness leading to more warring around the world, rampant crime, and calling every opponent a racist, white supremacist. 

And, the tens of thousands of military age men they’ve invited to invade will do their version of October 7, 2023 savagery.  Sooner or later. 

Those excesses should win the House for Republicans in 2026, like it did in 1994 and 2010.  Then, DeSantis can lead the clean sweep into power in 2028.  Which means fixing the 2030 Census to not permanently empower the Commies with the illegal alien voters. 

I hope I live to see the wins in 2026, 2028, and 2030.  There is so much good to do in America.  From School Board to POTUS, we vote for the community, state, and nation we deserve.

I’m in it to win it.  What are you doing?        

Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | March 5, 2024

Ignorance Kills

3 in 4 people polled are super ignorant

Never talk down to voters.  Never blame the voters.  Never criticize your base.  Got it.  So, this admonition is a general plea for more education.  It’s a clarion call for less ignorance wherever possible.  Call it a list of subjects that really must be taught because ignorance kills.

  • Ignorance of Economics will kill the economy.  National debt bankrupts a country with fiat paper currency.  It’s not a theory, but an economic fact.  Bankruptcy is a fact provable in the dismal science, that is a science with laws as immutable and unforgiving as gravity.  Ask survivors in Greece, Argentina, and Zimbabwe.  

Spending must be cut.  Not slowed.  Cut.  Every penny spent on illegal aliens must be stopped.  Laws need to be changed to stop funding college loans.  Stop allowing chain migrants to cash in on Social Security and Medicare which they never paid for.  Wipe out most federal discretionary spending.

Cut taxes and regulation.  It grows capital.  Capital creates jobs.  Every $5 billion of economic growth results in about $1 billion in federal taxes = and reduces the debt.

Expand energy production.  Increasing energy supply leads to lower prices at home and new income from exports.  It grows the economy which raises more taxes and reduces the debt.

Ignorance of this basic “Economics 10” elects Democrats and Establishment Republicans at the local, state, and federal level who will – literally – kill the economy with their spending, taxes, and regulations.

  • Ignorance of the Constitution will kill our freedom.  The Federalist Papers were written for farmers to read and decide on voting to ratify our 1787 Constitution.  Few Americans are capable of understanding them today.  The incessant blather about “democracy” demonstrates the abject ignorance of public discourse.  Ignorance about the structure of government and a bill of rights insures neither the protections of good government in a federal system of checks and balances nor the individual freedoms are safe.  If Covid tyranny doesn’t illustrate it for you, the lawfare and two-tiered justice system should be sufficient evidence of how government fails when people are to ignorant and unwilling to hold it accountable.  
  • Ignorance of History will kill our future.  The ridiculous assertions that America is stolen land or Blacks deserve reparations are evidence of appalling and, often, willful ignorance.  Demeaning all things Confederate is a perfect example of ignorance on steroids.  Destroying monuments is a testimony to blind, stupid rage.  All of history teaches the evil in humankind and the manifold accomplishments of the same imperfect people.  When national survival is at stake, there’ll be no future worth saving is there’s no heritage worth honoring.  Supporting barbarian Hamas over Israel indicates historical ignorance or deep bias or both.    
  • Ignorance of Education will kill our Civilization.  Higher Education suppresses free speech and teaches demonstrable falsehoods.  Men can’t become women.  Carbon produced by humans isn’t an environmental crisis.  Race-based admissions is racism.  DEI and CRT is Cultural Marxism – nothing more.  Ignoring the canon of Western Civilization is a descent into a new Dark Ages.
  • Ignorance of the Bible will kill our culture.  You must know the King James Bible to know America.  Every step Americans take away from our Judeo-Christian moral-ethical system and from the teachings of the Bible coarsens, cheapens, diminishes our American society.    

This list of ignorance to be overcome is just the top level list.  The details below are too numerous for this piece. 

The ignorance really will kill Americans.  The ignorance may kill America all together.

Let’s stomp out ignorance together.

Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | February 26, 2024

Quo Vadis, Atticus?

The whither this Atticus goes this election year is to refuse to vote for Trump or Biden or any other Democrat.  The path of life-long learning and living brought me to this crossroads and marks my way forward.  I appreciate Trump beating HRH Hillary I and the achievements of his administration whether or not he actually made any of them happen.  He demonstrated he has no political center except self-aggrandizement.  He has no moral compass and limited intellect.  He is without wisdom.  His super-narcissism should be a case study for psychiatry.  He has no character to trust in. 

Here is where I’m heading.

I’m 73 years old and a life-long, since age 8, student of history, especially American history, and politics.  I earned several first class degrees in the Social Sciences and taught “Sosh” at West Point. I’ve got 30 years in the trenches of local politics as an elected Republican Party official and activist.  Through it all, I’ve gotten a number of things wrong.  Really wrong. 

For decades, I listened to Rush Limbaugh as the voice of reason.  He saw opportunity when I feared catastrophe.  I wish he was still here. I’d love it if Rush could grade my analysis which leads me to where I am about the 2024 election.

This is my perspective.

In 1992, I couldn’t sleep all night when Bill Clinton was elected.  I couldn’t believe the America my father and I served as professional Army officers would reject the only President who’s resume was perfect for POTUS and elect a draft-dodger of dubious morals. 

Then, in 1994 after the Dems overplayed their hand with Hillary’s healthcare, Newt Gingerich won the House.  The FDR Coalition finally finished its course.

In 2000, I was alarmed that a buffoonish, privileged Al Gore was going to cheat his way into the White House.  9-11 changed the course of the Bush presidency.  To my dismay, he proved worthwhile only for his temporary tax cuts, some judges, and a few aspects of his pursuit of Islamist Totalitarianism.

In 2008, I was amazed at the mass hysteria propelling Barry Soetoro into the Presidency.  Then, again, the Dems overplayed their hand with Obamacare.  The Tea Party replaced some Establishment Republicans with elected officials who actually had a backbone.  Seeing the Republican gains across America, I was okay.

In 2016, I thought it was the election of 1933 in Germany.  A criminal was about to be elected HRH Hillary I.  I thought Cruz was the greatest conservative to oppose her and govern magnificently.  I thought Trump would lose 52-48 across the Nation.  His election surprised me and thrilled me.

Trump prevailed in the primaries, because no one appeared to be the fighter he was against the Democrats.  He got 4m more primary votes than Cruz because of The People’s frustration and disgust with the status quo.  He looked to be the biggest brawler for the average American.

Throughout Trump’s first term I saw how the Establishment Republicans betrayed him and how incompetent Trump was at governance.  I was appalled that he couldn’t figure out how to stop the cheat that was coming with mail-in ballots.  He was clueless.  He failed after the first “15 days” when data showed that Covid was 3 times more deadly than seasonal flu and not the Black Death – mainly to old people and no threat to younger people.  He promoted a vaccine which is proving to be more deadly than the disease to the young people who took it.

In 2024, Americans have witnessed government make everything worse under tottering Biden.  But only half the country actually recognizes what they see.  Also, Covid response at all levels of government showed the tyrannical potential of elected officials, if we allow them to do as they please.  The Democrats were the worst. 

Furthermore, the Democrats have openly proposed measures to make them the ruling party for decades at a minimum and to conduct the certain destruction of our Constitutional Republic, our economy, defense, and freedoms.  That should make this election a simple binary choice of Republican – sane, commonsense vs Democrat – Cultural Marxist, Totalitarians. 

Except if Trump is the Republican candidate, it won’t be sane and commonsense leadership.   It will be carnival barking, reality TV, con man grifting with the cult of personality serving Trump’s super narcissism and Trump alone.

So, here is where it gets complicated.

Some Trump voters are in a cult. They are Trump-blinded.

More Trump voters are Conservatives who have been betrayed by the Establishment Republicans since Ronald Reagan left office.  They are hated as “deplorables.”  They see the Cultural Marxists succeeding in the “long march” through America’s institutions to rule them as the Human Secularist Totalitarians they are – which is kissing cousins of Socialists, Communists, National Socialists, and Environmental Pagans.

Additionally, these Trump voters pay the taxes for the growing dependent class living on the government plantation, fight the pointless wars, lose their jobs to overseas production, and get none of the riches the elites of Crony Capitalism enjoy.

Trump is the only one other than Newt Gingrich who has really stood up for them since 1988. 

They see the absurdity of the Ministry of Truth media and have affection for their favorites in Con media.  They see the corruption of the Deep State in the phony Russia scandal.  They witness no respect for the Rule of Law and our Constitution in two trumped up impeachments.  They see the lawfare against Trump.  They see two standards of justice for J6 and Antifa/BLM. 

They can be loyal to a fault.  They can be blindly loyal.  These voters are the Trump-minded who love what Ron DeSantis does in Florida, but can’t come over right away to support him in 2024 for POTUS. 

These voters give Populism a good name, because they are fundamentally Conservatives and Christians with no champion until they got Trump.

These voters see the Illegal Immigrant invasion for what it is – an invasion.  They will pay for it, not the elites.  Their families will suffer the consequences of the criminal elements among the Illegal Aliens, not the elites.

They know they are the fixed “oppressors” with White privilege in the disgusting racism of DEI and CRT.  Their family members will be pushed aside by DEI-mandated acceptances to colleges and promotions in the workforce. 

When they seek justice, they are called bigots, -phobes, racists, White supremacist and White Nationalists.   

All of this, certainly, should point to voting for Trump in November, right?

No.  Trump derangement syndrome drives Democrats and the denizens of Coastal and urban enclaves with Democrat worldviews to the polls.  Trump’s behavior and lies drive away the swing voters needed to win at this point in the Great U.S. Culture War.

Trump led Republicans to lose and underperform in elections in 2018, 2020, and 2022.  If he wins in 2024, he is going to lose the House.  Lose more in 2026, then everything in 2028.  Sets the stage for Dems to control the vital 2030 Census.

If Trump loses the election, the Republicans should still get the Senate.  Maybe not if he is terrible enough. 

When the Trump-minded voters see what an abject failure he is and when they feel what awfulness the Democrats do in two more years, Republicans can win the House and Senate in 2026.

They can win because there is a transformative majority of American voters bigger than FDR’s coalition from the Middle Class of wage earners, small business owners, and professionals that isn’t ideologically Conservative.  They are simply sane and pragmatic.  They love what DeSantis does in Florida.

Then, if DeSantis can bring in enough swing voters to overcome the illegal aliens voting in swing states in 2028, it is Ronald Reagan 2.0++ time.  Which sets the stage for able governance to keep the illegal aliens from distorting the 2030 census to entrench the Democrats into power for who knows how long. 

What can go wrong?  Let’s say whoever replaces Biden on the ticket in 2024 goes too far too fast like Clinton and Obama.  The governors of the Free States are the first line of defense.  The courts, until SCOTUS is packed, is the second line.  We, the People are the ultimate backstop.

Separating the cult of personality from Populism returns Populism to Movement Conservatism and Constitutional limits.  It’s going to take crushing defeats to get the Trump-minded Republican voters to re-assess the golden calf of the Trump-blinded Republicans. 

Since I’m 73, I may not live to see all of this play out.  I can imagine alternative futures based on history past – which was my day job as an Army futurist – that are as horrific as the Bolshevik generational nightmare in Russia or the awful excesses of a Spanish Civil War experience here.  I hope my children and grandchildren don’t suffer such fates.

I know the experiences of my family from the start of this country.  They fought the Indians and at least two wars here on their home soil.  I know the consequences of losing a war.  It would be far worse to lose to the Human Secularist Totalitarians now than it was to the rapacious Yankees.  I know my People survived.  We can again, if we don’t die when China nukes us or Biowars us far worse than the Wuhan Virus.

My only regret is than I’m not 40 years younger to be in the fight for another 40 years.  Until we win this fight.  When Americans do the Great Restoration of our Constitutional Federal Republic and American Civilization.

I voted for the lesser of two evils twice with Trump.  I’m not doing it again. He will shame his voters and betray them as easily as he does his multiple marriage vows.  Trump is about Trump.  Nothing else.  He will set up disastrous Democrat victories by destroying the Republican Party as the only bulwark against the Commie Dems.

I’m voting DeSantis for President in the Virginia primary.  I’m writing him in if he isn’t the candidate in the general election.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ― Winston S. Churchill     

Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | February 18, 2024

Ten  Personal Valentines

I’ve had ten Valentine’s Days where a special gift had nothing to do with romantic love – eros.  The gift is each anniversary of living another year at the home I named “Sanctuary.”   The one, only, true, living God gave me something I really wanted – many years after I asked and when I really, really needed it.   The Lord Jesus Christ gave me Sanctuary.  It may seem odd to liken a house with a romantic Valentine’s gift, but it fits for how much it means to me.  

Sanctuary is a1973 brick rambler with The Bay as its backyard.  The waters of the Chesapeake Bay stretch out as far as the eye can see to where sky and sea meet at a far horizon. 

It’s a house set in a place of powerful, breath-taking beauty, in all weather, through every season, that is a constantly changing show. A slowly turning kaleidoscope of nature with sounds, smell, and touch complementing the changing colors.   

It’s the aesthetics of a wonderful home on the water that I asked for in my prayer journal on June 24th, 1997.  “If  it’s in His Will.”   After I wrote that request, I heard in my mind, “I’ll take care of the details.”

In November 2007, I wrote “No” next to the prayer request when it seemed certain that we would never move again.  We didn’t. 

Unexpectedly, my wife died December 9th, 2013. 

Soon after, in late January 2014 I found this house for sale with a huge price drop while driving around looking at the water views and eating a sandwich – as was my wont. I asked my grown children if they would be offended if I moved so soon from the house I built for their mother.  They enthusiastically told me to go for it. 

So, I moved two miles away to the water.  From the West, the Poquoson River and, from the East, Bennett’s Creek and Robert’s Creek all merge to make my broad “back yard”.  They join the York River waters  flowing on the far side of York Point to the North out into Mobjack Bay and the rest of the Chesapeake Bay.  It’s continuous water from Sanctuary’s “beach” North East to the heart of The Bay.  To the North East East are the marshes.

On February 14th, 2014, I moved into a new home without the Valentine of my entire adult life.  Alone. 

Now, He has given me this place to live for ten years.  I’m seventy-three.  That’s almost one-seventh of my life.  I’m amazed that I’ve gotten to live so much of my life here! It’s a blessing upon blessing upon blessing. 

The first blessing is what Sanctuary provided when I was grieving for my late wife.  On the first night, the glass wall of the master bedroom opened to the cold, pitch black water and night sky.  Navigation buoys twinkling and the bright white from houses on a distant point of land couldn’t dispel the sense of foreboding darkness.  The house was very cold. Outside was the black wall that looked like my future.  High, darkly formidable, and impenetrable.

The past was irredeemable.  The future was unpredictable.  The present was sadness.  I felt anguish. 

The next dawn, and every one since, bathed half the house in light.  God makes all things new.  Every day.

The Lord God gave me a very special place to grieve.  He provided much solace and succor in the experience of just living here.  Watching the water and sky from dock and deck.  Listening.  Smelling the salt air.  Feeling the wind.

In a few months I knew I wanted to name this place.  As presumptuous as that seems, it still felt right.  “Sanctuary” popped in my mind.      

The “sanctuary” in the Bible is where the living God actually abides.  In the Old Testament it’s in Moses’ tabernacle tent and the inner sanctum of Solomon’s temple.  In the New Testament it’s in the human body of every believer.  The new sanctuary is literally in our bodies as the living “temple of God.”

Through the unfolding of time for the following ten years Sanctuary has become a place for others to feel and know the presence of the living God.  It’s become a sanctuary to share.  Notably for my church’s Easter Sunrise Services. 

I’ve shared much about every aspect of living here in prose and pics posted in blog posts and on social media – when I’m not banned.  I even keep a journal dedicated solely to observations at Sanctuary as my poor imitation of On Walden Pond.  There’s a lot written about being on the water – kayaking.

My favorite personal video is my indiscernible attempt to talk over a roaring storm crashing on my dock.  Sharing my joy to live in the teeth of a tempest.

My one regret is that, when I die, no child of mine has the wherewithal to buy the other two out and keep it.  Sanctuary will be as transitory to my family as my life was.  So, it goes.  Maybe one will gain the earnings to buy it.  

Regardless, the blessings upon blessings which flow here are founded, fixed, and covered in the undeserved, unearned love – agape – that is Grace. 

My family has experienced life as it is – up and down, happiness and hurt, birth and loss, – with words my late wife wrote in the front of her Bible to guide us.  “God never wastes our sufferings.”   Amen. 

Consequently, Sanctuary feels restorative. 

It’s uniquely suited to my life’s task, given on March 15, 1987, as “You will read and write.”  I have.  There’s no better place on the planet to for me to do it.   In my fifth year here, I wrote about the journey from grieving to gratitude and self-published “A Grief Felt.”  

At the end of that summer, after my favorite hard hour-and-a-half  “pull”, kayaking across two miles of open water and circumnavigating the marshes of Cow Island, I hopped off my kayak and told my daughter standing on the dock, “I’m not just joyful anymore.  I’m exuberant!”  

Sanctuary’s seasons of kayak and fire – with the heat-blasting fireplace par excellence – are the rhythm of time in this last season of my life.  When my life came close to ending early in 2022 with Covid pneumonia, Sanctuary became the hospital for months of slow healing.    

So, in sickness and even during fierce storms, or especially so, it’s still Sanctuary.  Storms pushed rushing water past it eight times in ten years. Often, the whitecapped waves really look like the North Sea battering my mother’s ancestral Highlands clan home at the tip top of Scotland.

Because of the threat of catastrophic flooding, when our old home finally sold in 2016, I  lifted the house seven feet.   It was necessary, even if it makes Sanctuary look a bit foreboding.  A bit fortress-like or “prison-esque”, of yellow brick upon stern gray cinder block.  Still, it was worth every penny paid.

Sanctuary heard my deepest, wrenching laments.  It has listened to the hopes and sorrows of my adult children.  It’s resounded with repeated peals of laughter and occasional tears from seven grandchildren.  It’s welcomed  Sunrise Services, Bible study, 4th of July family assembly, visits from kinfolk and friends, a joyful 50th Reunion After Party of  “USMA Class of 1972 Company D-4” Classmates, and happy, conspiratorial political meetings and fund-raisers.

When I opened my heart to a relationship again, Sanctuary welcomed.

An all-loving God gave me a material desire of my heart almost 17 years after I asked – at the perfect time when I would need it – even more than I ever could want it.  Kind of like the goodness that happens at the end of the movie to make all the awful things before come out okay.  To my amazement, the good time keeps on keeping on. 

Interestingly, the quality of time changed here.  Time has a new, different richness as its passing.  Sanctuary is a state of being for me.  It transforms my consciousness.  I’m in a constant state of gratitude.  No matter what.  Bad things happen still, but Sanctuary soothes the troubled mind and heavy heart remarkably.  Almost miraculously.  Or, maybe, I’ve changed as a man.  The peace beyond understanding and the joy that knows no bounds may be staying in me when it would only visit me on occasion before Sanctuary.  And, I feel intensely alive.  Actually, young.  With a peaceful completeness.

I found abiding peace, complete joy, deep contentment here in this place.       

I have pictures to prove it.

Halfway through the tenth year I got married.  Widower married widow.  I’m three weeks older.  She lives in Georgia and still has a full-time job as the chief magistrate of a rural county.  I’m retired.  Her mother, now 93, lives nearby, so my new bride isn’t going anywhere for a while.  I’ve been driving to Georgia every month since my youngest daughter had her third child in August 2017 – except for the early Covid-crazy times.  I’ve done dishes, diapers, and driving – D3.  Since I married, I’m spending half my time in Georgia.

We’ve named her lovely country home, “Harmony”, because it is on Harmony Road and that – harmony – is what we both feel, enjoy, and live together there.  My wife will join me when her mother shakes this earthly coil and my wife is no longer working.  She’s been to Sanctuary, but she hasn’t lived it yet for weeks at a time.  I hope her living in Sanctuary will bring her to appreciate and love Sanctuary. 

The contentment of our loving companionship couldn’t be better.  Perhaps, after a few years at Sanctuary it’ll take on a new context in the memories we’ll make there.

For the time being – a year or more at least – as long as I stay healthy enough, I’ll split my time between Sanctuary and Harmony.  What wonderful places to be.

All the credit goes to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Thanksgiving and gratefulness are spoken out loud upon rising, before resting, and often during the waking hours.  I just can’t believe that I’ve gotten to live at Sanctuary for almost one-seventh of my whole life and I get to share it in the blessed bond of marriage.

God is good.  All the time.  No matter what.  No matter what.

Another Ode to Sanctuary

After ten years, some of my grandchildren only know Sanctuary as their “Papa’s house.”   That’s remarkable to me.  My personal calendar sort of stopped when my late wife died.  Clearly, time has moved on regardless of my accounting.

Sanctuary sheltered me as the Lord God sustained me, healed me, strengthened me, and filled me with purpose fueled by gratitude.  

The building is a sturdy, simple brick rambler built in 1973 by another retired Army officer.  I’m the second owner of its ample, for me, yet modest 2300 square feet of living space.

Sanctuary is set feet from the Chesapeake Bay.  The water lapping on my rock rip rap flows unbroken to the eye to the Northeast and heart of The Bay.  

Sanctuary’s third of an acre has two old wood seawalls defining it left and right.  Its dock juts out bravely beside sea grass struggling to survive Nor’Easters’ pounding.  The heavy rip rap and wooden seawall measure the limits of tides, but merely suggest the same to a storm. Eight times in ten years sea water has rushed under and around Sanctuary.  The waves break in the yard with any Nor’Easter pulling its weight.  It’s awesome and intimidating.       

Sanctuary begins each day better than a symphony tuning up.  It opens with instruments of light, temperature, sounds, smells, sights of creatures alive, and ever-changing clouds – all in harmony from the first note.

Sanctuary is a place of light.  It’s a pleasure to see it brighten the interior home and paint the exterior tableau.  No day is ordinary, because every day is triumphant.  Each day speaks to the soul and soothes one’s eternal spirit. 

I’m particularly partial to sunsets at Sanctuary.  The golden brilliance of light skimming the earth’s circumference brings everything into its finest focus.  Such clarity.

Nothing compares to storms, especially Summer storms, marching across The Bay.  Great storm clouds building upon each other with contending light and dark at different levels.  When storms turn to attack directly, they bring brutal, raw fury as a frightfully beautiful power of its own. White caps pronounce the pounding waves to be an ocean more than a bay and far more than a lake.  It’s the salty sign of an inland sea. Such fierceness isn’t feared really, but respected.  I relish preparing for storms like getting up for a good fight.  But, when it slams home, it becomes truly intimidating.  The storm is appreciated for its power and relieved in its passing.

The complete opposite is when the water lies as flat as lake, as gentle as a pond, as quiet as a bird bath.  The water reflects like glass and looks glossy in a blend of purples and pinks.  It can be luminescent.  It beckons the paddle. 

I love to kayak on such tame waters.  Not that I avoid the challenge of the wind and waves which test my strength and skill without actually threatening my life.  Truly dangerous waters are left to themselves. 

My journal “On Sanctuary”  is filled with commentary from kayaking.  What I see, smell, feel, and sense.  What makes me wonder.  What gives marvel.

My favorite paddle is an hour and forty minutes or more out across two miles plus of open water to circumvent Cow Island and thread through attendant marshes.  I feel a little loss on the days during Kayak Season when I can’t make that push out and pull back.  I make do with another route out and about adjusted to wind and tide.

One time when the fog came in to mask everything a foot from my dock, I paddled out for adventure.  It was freaky and fun.  Once again, made me think about my Viking ancestors.

Is it hubris or folly to feel a relationship with The Bay?   I feel a closeness to the living creatures in and over the water.  Close dolphin encounters felt almost spiritual. 

And, I respect the water that can kill.  Years ago, a political friend and her daughter died from hypothermia a few miles up the York River from Sanctuary.  Recently, two young men died in the cold waters nearby.

My observations may be aphorisms.  Regardless, they’re new to me. Consider this bit:

On the Water

The land shapes the wind

The wind defines the water

The current drives the water

While the tide pushes and pulls

So, the waves do as they are told

By wind, current, and tide

When there’s more land nearby or more water beyond 

Oh, how less and more the waves will grow

Whenever I travel, as I do frequently for Papa time and now as husband, I say good-bye to Sanctuary and Thank You to the Lord.  I wonder if I’ll be blessed to return.  I rejoice out loud every time I do.  Every single time. 

I had a different awareness in my grieving time.  The sense of transition from irredeemable past to unpredictable future was stark.  My late wife’s absence was palatable to me. Absence was ever present in my mind.  I spent hours on my dock.  Just being there.  In every weather.  Through extremes of cold and heat.  Until the Sanctuary’s two seasons of Kayak and Fire became the rhythm of this last season of my life. 

Kayak Season is April to December.  The Season of Fire is when my blast furnace fire place provides warmth, ambiance, and beauty in dancing gas flames that look real enough to be believable.  Fire Season is October to early May.  The overlapping time, which has no name other than delightful, is when the water is so cold I hurry directly from kayaking to fireplace.

Will the wonder of living one-seventh of my life at Sanctuary change as time goes on?   I stay amazed at how long I’ve had this gift of time – which seems timeless, like Kairos, in a way. I appreciate every day going forward. 

My family has had hardships in my ten years here.  Yet, as the late Nellie Katherine wrote on the first page of her Bible, “God never wastes our sufferings.”  Sanctuary feels restorative.  Maybe it’s like the restoration of Job, even though whatever ill befell my life, I’ve not suffered to his extreme.  And, I’m not as righteous as he.  I’m truly happy here despite whatever circumstances which discourage or hurt. 

My most inner man longs for complete healing from my failures.  The one word is “vindication.”   No other word fits more perfectly.  Vindication won’t happen in my life.  Far better despite my human desires, actually, is the gift of Sanctuary celebrated every day, while  keeping a Valentine’s Day anniversary on the calendar, as my place to do my duty in the community of Christ.  To be obedient to my charge: “You will read and write.”

Amazing grace this gift for one seventh of my life.  Amazing so much of my life lived with such blessing.  Amazing, to me, the unfolding of time it took to get here, the circumstances, and purpose of Sanctuary as a gift. 

It’s hard for me to comprehend such a gift for me.  I’m astonished, astounded, amazed, and overwhelmed.  Grateful beyond these many words and all the words I could speak.  Why me?  I neither earned nor deserved Sanctuary.  I asked.  That was it. Why me?

Given my DNA , it’ll be a surprise gift to see the sun rise on my 80th birthday one November day.  That would give me almost one-fifth of my life at Sanctuary.  In the very unlikely event that I could see my youngest grandchild as a 21 year old man after my 92nd birthday, it would be almost a third of one life lived – wholly in the physical gift from God, a home called Sanctuary.

Wow. Just wow. 

In the meantime, I can kid with my family about the Viking funeral they could do after they lay me to rest with their late mother in Arlington National Cemetery.

In July 2023, I got married.  Widower married widow.  Now, I spend a week more each month in Georgia, so I spend a week less at Sanctuary.  My affection for this gift of a home isn’t lessened, just the time available to treasure it in person.  My wife appreciates the beauty and serenity of Sanctuary.  Someday, she should know the rhythms  of  living at Sanctuary as they play as chords in her inner being.  As pleased and contented as we are together, so much more will we be together at Sanctuary.  Although, it would be challenging to be more contented than we are now wherever we are.

Until that day when I’m called to fly away to the sweet bye and bye, as long as I’m able, I’ll do as I do now without fail – go outside upon rising and thank Lord Jesus Christ for another day ahead at Sanctuary and before resting go outside and thank Him again for the beautiful night sky and day just past at Sanctuary.

No place is more important or even equal to a person.  Sharing this place with the right persons – Beloved spouse, family, friends, church family, and neighbors – is living out the Lord’s promise, His wonderful gift, to me.  My joy and humble gratitude is boundless.

For other remembrances past:

Sanctuary at Seven or “On Sanctuary” | Deo Vindice (

A Reprise of Seven Summers at Sanctuary | Deo Vindice (

7th Summer at Sanctuary | Deo Vindice (

5 Years at Sanctuary | Deo Vindice (

Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | February 14, 2024

From Great Reset to Great Restoration

It can be put back together better. It will be hard. It can be done.

The Great Reset Initiative from the World Economic Forum is another attempt to transform Western Civilization by Human Secularist Totalitarians into their latest vision of a Socialist paradise and Environmentalist Cult pantheon.  It’s  Cultural Marxism.  Which is warmed over Classical Marxism with a new lexicon for their old, failed arguments based on completely false premises.  But, the demonic minions of DEI, CRT, ESG, 15-minute cities, sustainable growth, controlling carbon emissions, reparations, and open borders, etc. are in for a surprise in America.  Sooner or later, the Great Return will happen.      

There is a transformative majority of Americans, larger than FDR’s 60 year ruling coalition, ready to flush the Great Reset and go far beyond making America great again to restore what made Western and American Civilization truly great.  Importantly, the Great Restoration or Great Return isn’t about former President Donald Trump.   Frankly, Trump is in the way.

So, what does a Great Restoration look like and how does it happen?

A minimalist, or lesser, Great Restoration is a return to common sense in government.  Borders become borders.  The Rule of Law isn’t brushed aside by lawfare.  Racism isn’t promulgated with identity politics.  The mental illness of sexual dysphoria isn’t promoted as minority group.  Schools teach instead of indoctrinate.  Things get made in America.  Federal spending is constrained and the debt reduced.  Allies are strengthened and enemies are deterred or defeated.

A much greater Great Restoration follows another Great Awakening.  If the Great Awakening went like the previous ones, about half the country would be back in Church for a while.  The moral fervor and courageous certainty of convictions would resound for decades.  If Biblical literacy rose above a third of our people, We The People would be much better people.  America would be a much greater country and Western Civilization might get a lease on life for another century and a half.

Or, a Great Restoration can come the hard way.

Currently, the Human Secularist Totalitarians control five institutions which shape American Culture and Civilization – Government, Business, Education, Media, Arts and Entertainment.  These Cultural Marxists are contending for the remaining two institutions – Religion and Family.  In some regions of the country and in most large urban areas, they control every institution and are majority of the population.

The Great U.S. Culture War has brought us the tipping point of an evenly divided country.  Except the split isn’t 50:50.  It’s more like 40:40 or 45:45.  The squishy people in the middle decide a national election in five to seven swing states from 12k to 80k votes.  Look at how few actual swing districts there are in the House of Representatives.  America is truly divided in half.

If Trump is the Republican nominee, he will be crushed by whoever the Democrats replace for Biden.

Then, the bad things become terrible, if the illegal aliens get to vote soon enough to throw the elections in 2026 and beyond. Eventually, the bullies overplay their hand, as bullies always do, and the 40% of the Country that holds the traditional, Biblical worldview of the American Revolution will prevail one way or the other as the Founders did when they started out with only 33% of the people on their side.

Unfortunately, that scenario could be a screaming nightmare as awful as the Russian Bolsheviks, Spanish Socialist and Communists, German National Socialists, Mao’s Chinese Communists, or any other murderous Communist regime.  Could be.  Pray it doesn’t.

Or, enough governors in free states follow the lead of Gov. Ron DeSantis and make the Feds back down.  Especially, by winning in court before the American Commies pack SCOTUS and infect all other courts with their cancerous corruption.

If the cheating isn’t baked into the swing states by 2028, a transformative coalition of middle class Americans can win elections enough to make the transformation a real Restoration or Return to what is right and best. 

The best person to lead that coalition is Ron DeSantis.

The Trump-minded MAGA loyalists will return to Conservative-principled consistency.   The Trump-blinded MAGA cult won’t have a champion without the Donald.  His spawn aren’t up to his level of showmanship, Con, and grift.  Enough independents will flock to DeSantis, as they do in Florida, to make up for the loss of the Cultists.

How remarkable would it be to have our national pride and confidence come back with a sense of purpose and Christian charity and lovingkindness? How great could it be to provide real leadership for Europe to make Western Civilization great again?  To support El Salvador’s cartel control and show the oligarchies of Latin America how to care for their people?    

Hope I live long enough to contribute to the Great Restoration –  our Great Return.  

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