Posted by: James Atticus Bowden | July 12, 2015

Southerners, Bring More Flags

Bring this flag of faith to fly with the flag of heritage and history

Bring this flag of faith to fly with the flag of heritage and history

As the political hysteria wans a bit from South Carolina Gov. Haley going back on her word and making the insane connection between mass murder in Charleston and a historical flag monument in Columbia, consider what Southerners should do now.   The Puritan Liberals will keeping pushing hard to culturally cleanse the South of all things Confederate. They’ll say it’s because everything Confederate is a symbol of hate. Of evil racism.

Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Indians, Cajuns, Protestants, Catholics and Jews fought for the South, the States, to be left alone.

Protestants, Catholics and Jews fought for the South, the States, to be left alone.  Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Indians, Creoles and Cajuns served under Confederate Battle Flags.

Southerners, don’t let this fight become about race. Keep it about culture. And, since our culture is profoundly Judeo-Christian – bring more flags out. Carry the Christian (or Protestant) flag, Roman Catholic Papal flag. Bring the Star of David Israeli flag. Since our culture is let and let live – and we don’t want the tyranny of big government, carry the Gadsen Flag – Don’t Tread On Me.   Bring more flags together with the Confederate Battle Flag because it’s one team, one fight.

This'll drive the Liberal Puritans more crazy.  The South is the best friend of Israel - in the world.

This’ll drive the Liberal Puritans more crazy. The South is the best friend of Israel – in the world.

The race pimps will work hard to make any controversy a race issue. Give them Grace, ignore them and stay filled with Christian love, patience and courage. Remember that Winston Churchill in his History of the English-Speaking Peoples said the Army of Northern Virginia was the most devoutly Christian army that ever marched.  Kindly ask our Black Southern Christian brothers and sisters to keep tolerance a two-way street. Because, even though the Segregationists tried to hijack our flag 50 years, they lost.   They lost to the love of Lord Jesus Christ.

Molon Labe

Molon Labe

The transformation of the heart for most White Southern Christians is profound. The morally ascendant ideas from the Holy Bible triumphed. Agape love replaced the wall of racial identity. Increasingly, still, the identity of Southerners isn’t black or white, but evangelical Christian. The Northern Puritan Liberals, Hollywood, the media and stupid, self-hating Southern Liberals who walked away from faith, didn’t get the memo. Racial identity is less than religious identity in a personal relationship with the Risen Lord.

Don’t let the Confederate Flags be argued in terms of race. Reject it. Say it plainly to their face – the flags and monuments and names are all about our family, faith and freedom. It’s being told by others what you can say, sing, wave and think. And, being told, “That is forbidden. You can’t say, see or think that. It’s politically incorrect.”

Bring more flags, and many more Confederate flags, to rallies, everyday events, and parades. If the fight is over one flag with the Cross of St. Andrew alone, the visual from one clown in a Klan dress will ruin it.  One loon spouting racist hate is all the media needs – and wants.

The Puritan Liberals will re-write history and culturally cleanse the South as ruthlessly as their Totalitarian cousins – the Nazis and Communists. Like the Nazis and Communists, they declare their enemies to be evil enough to eradicate them. Like Totalitarian Islamists, ISIS, they will desecrate graves. If Southerners let them.

Bring out more flags. Bring out all our flags.

Deo Vindice

Keep showing the Puritan Liberals this flag picture.

Keep showing the Puritan Liberals this flag picture.


  1. Well written sir and well said. Its not about race, its about culture.

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